
  1. pm2支持远程部署服务,创建文件ecosystem.json,内容形式如:
  // Applications part
  "apps" : [{
    "name"      : "API",
    "script"    : "app.js",
    "env": {
      "COMMON_VARIABLE": "true"
    // Environment variables injected when starting with --env production
    // http://pm2.keymetrics.io/docs/usage/application-declaration/#switching-to-different-environments
    "env_production" : {
      "NODE_ENV": "production"
    "name"      : "WEB",
    "script"    : "web.js"
  // 部署部分
  // Here you describe each environment
  "deploy" : {
    "production" : {
      "user" : "node",
      // 多主机配置
      "host" : ["", "", ""],
      // 服务使用的分支
      "ref"  : "origin/master",
      // Git 仓库地址
      "repo" : "git@github.com:repo.git",
      // 项目目录
      "path" : "/var/www/production",
      // Can be used to give options in the format used in the configura-
      // tion file.  This is useful for specifying options for which there
      // is no separate command-line flag, see 'man ssh'
      // can be either a single string or an array of strings
      "ssh_options": "StrictHostKeyChecking=no",
      // To prepare the host by installing required software (eg: git)
      // even before the setup process starts
      // 可以使用";"分割多个命令
      // or path to a script on your local machine
      "pre-setup" : "npm install",
      // Commands / path to a script on the host machine
      // This will be executed on the host after cloning the repository
      // eg: placing configurations in the shared dir etc
      "post-setup": "ls -la",
      // Commands to execute locally (on the same machine you deploy things)
      // Can be multiple commands separated by the character ";"
      "pre-deploy-local" : "echo 'This is a local executed command'"
      // Commands to be executed on the server after the repo has been cloned
      "post-deploy" : "npm install && pm2 startOrRestart ecosystem.json --env production"
      // Environment variables that must be injected in all applications on this env
      "env"  : {
        "NODE_ENV": "production"
    "staging" : {
      "user" : "node",
      "host" : "",
      "ref"  : "origin/master",
      "repo" : "git@github.com:repo.git",
      "path" : "/var/www/development",
      "ssh_options": ["StrictHostKeyChecking=no", "PasswordAuthentication=no"],
      "post-deploy" : "pm2 startOrRestart ecosystem.json --env dev",
      "env"  : {
        "NODE_ENV": "staging"

Edit the file according to your needs.

  1. Be sure that you have the public ssh key on your local machine
ssh-keygen -t rsa
ssh-copy-id node@myserver.com

If you encounter any errors, please refer to the troubleshooting section below.

  1. Now initialize the remote folder with:
pm2 deploy <configuration_file> <environment> setup


pm2 deploy ecosystem.json production setup

This command will create the folders on your remote server.

  1. Deploy your code
pm2 deploy ecosystem.json production

Now your code will be populated, installed and started with PM2.

Deployment options

Display deploy help via pm2 deploy help:

pm2 deploy <configuration_file> <environment> <command>

    setup                run remote setup commands
    update               update deploy to the latest release
    revert [n]           revert to [n]th last deployment or 1
    curr[ent]            output current release commit
    prev[ious]           output previous release commit
    exec|run <cmd>       execute the given <cmd>
    list                 list previous deploy commits
    [ref]                deploy to [ref], the "ref" setting, or latest tag
